Nov 15, 2013

my sharing on stress

After having so many moody days after my lovely honey leaving, went back to his country to proceed his ton of works
((I think I'm quite ok right now

I would like to share something about stress today

Stress come from many aspects like our job, relationship problems, exam, family life, ...etc
I did some online searching for stress or tension release/relieve methods to help myself out (( who is reading this too)) to reduce stress and do myself a summary.

Everything has their pros and cons including stress
Benefit of having stress is which it motivated us to complete something on time, cross some daily challenges, stress makes us to sustain our life,it actually gives us energy, but in small doses will do for all these advantages.
Of course, the other side of stress will eventually kill someone,seriously.
Overdoses of stress will most probably causes someone to get sick more often, staying awake at night, changes in appetite, more anger than usual...etc

Firstly, we should recognize the stress to avoid some unnecessary stress.
Worst comes to the worst
We should accept stress.
After recognizing the sources of having stress we have to try our very best to accept, of course, after filtering them.
((them refer to both activities and peoples
Beware of the reasons and try to avoid doing them which will bring stress to you.
Deal with it and grow=)

Secondly,try to reframe the problem.
Sometimes,maybe you are the one who create the stress unconsciously.
Instead of thinking in the negative way try to make up your mind by concentrating in the positive perspective.
Positive light shining^^

Besides, I would say we have to be more organized.
Plan a 'to do list' to highlight our priority straight can help us to break our responsibilities into manageable pieces and focus on things that really matter to you.

Lastly,I think this is the most important factor.
Learn to reject!
If you can't do everything you are asked,so why keep pretending you can?
Learn to reject politely but firmly.
If you know you couldn't get the thing done, so why don't you give other people a chance to lend you a hand?
Indeed,the more you promised but not done,the less people will perceive you as being nice.
Giving up tasks may seem stressful in theory,but will free u up for more personal time.

However,there are a lot method to distress.
The most useful method for me is to laugh as loud as I can.
Laugh it out! Even it's not a big joke.
Space out some time to take a dinner with your family, chat and talking some joke ,it works.

Other than that, I distress by listening to the music.
Music will give a strong effect on our mood.
Playing clam music have a positive effect on our brain and body,it can reduce our stress hormone too.

Thirdly,try to share your problem with a reliable friend.
He or she may not understand your situation but the main purpose of sharing is to let you to speak out the problems you are having.
Good relationship and friendships are important to any healthy life.
A reassuring voice ,even for a minute, can put everything in perspective.

Next, if talking or share with friend is not an option for you, try to talk yourself.
It sounds crazy but it works.
I'm kind who will wash car or toilet and at the same time talk to myself when I have something mess up my mind.
It's really efficient to solve problem like stress and get a house chore done at the same time.

The most common way to distress is by doing exercises.
Whatever exercises will do within few mins at home ,indoor or outdoor.
Due to my laziness,this will never be my

So,I get myself the other way to get rid of my stress and do exercise at the same time by going out for shopping.
It's not necessarily shop and spend money but I would rather choose to have window shopping.
The advantage is to burn fat, release stress and get to know the latest trend in fashion,technology ....etc

Actually,there are many ways to release stress.
Don't over push yourself=)
Take a break to have a long journey in the future.
GOD bless everyone =)

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